Bride's close friends carry the henna pot with the candles on it and sing the song together while making a circle around the bride. (bride is generally sitting on a chair in the middle of the room). since the song is very emotional, most of the time, bride and bride's mom (sometimes sisters) can not hold their tears and cry in this part of the night. (generally men can not understand this feeling. the reason for bride to cry is extremely weird and unbelievable for them. I don't expect them to understand because they are never that emotional anyways. that is the love between mom and daughter)
After that, the henna is going to be put on bride's hands by someone who is closer to bride except for the mom. My aunt did it for me. During henna night, I didn't let my aunt to put henna on my hand until after I've gotten a golden money on my one hand from the groom's mother ;) that is a kind of gift on henna night that a bride is expecting from her mother-in law.
After henna is on brides hand, the red henna gloves are put on hands. bride will hug the guests and and she accepts their good wishes. the music will be on throughout the night and there will be dancing on the floor (sometimes belly dancing) within ladies. before that groom can join to celebrate his fiancee and maybe they can have one dance together. (this part is not in every henna night. it can be different in other families)
and ofcourse delicious Turkish side-dishes especially deserts and beverages will be served to the guests. (bride's lady family members and close neigbors are helping for preparing and serving the food, thanks to them ;) )
I would like to also explain "henna" has a special and deeper meaning other than a "dye" in Turkish culture. It has a meaning of "devotion". Henna is not only for the bride but also it is put on men's hands (or hair) while they are going to do their military service. It is also put little bit on sheep or cow before it is sacrificed during Kurban Eid (a religious festival for Muslims) for Allah (God). The meaning of henna for bride is to be devoted to her husband; for soldier is to be devoted to his country and for sheep/cow is to be sacrificed in the name of God.