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Tuesday, October 24, 2006

Holy month - Ramadan

I was very busy with my research at school and I couldn't write earlier. but here I am again.

For Muslims, last month was Ramadan which is a month of blessing that includes prayer, fasting and charity. So, what is Ramadan? I would like to explain a little bit.

During the ninth month of the lunar calendar, that Muslims believe God, or Allah, revealed the first verses of the Qu'ran, the holy book of Islam to the Prophet Muhammad. Ramadan celebrates the revelation of the Quran, the word of Allah, given to the Prophet Muhammad. For Muslims, fasting during the whole month of Ramadan, is one of the five pillars, or essential religious duties, of their faith. The main component of Ramadan is the fast.

During the blessed month of Ramadan, Muslims all over the world abstain from food, drink, and other physical needs during the daylight hours. As a time to purify the soul, refocus attention on God, and practice self-sacrifice, Ramadan is much more than just not eating and drinking. Fasting teaches self-control, encourages a focus on prayer and the life of the spirit, and allows practitioners to devote their attention to worship, and draw closer to God.

Fasting is so important to Muslims for a number of reasons. First, when you are not paying attention to your mortal needs such as food, you may be able to become more in tune with God and your spiritual side. Also, the fast serves to remind Muslims of the suffering of the poor. This idea reinforces the importance of charity during Ramadan.

Muslims are called upon to use this month to re-evaluate their lives in light of Islamic guidance. We are to make peace with those who have wronged us, strengthen ties with family and friends, do away with bad habits -- essentially to clean up our lives, our thoughts, and our feelings. The Arabic word for "fasting" (sawm)literally means "to refrain" - and it means not only refraining from food and drink, but from evil actions, thoughts, and words.

Therefore, fasting is not merely physical, but is rather the total commitment of the person's body and soul to the spirit of the fast. Ramadan is a time to practice self-restraint; a time to cleanse the body and soul from impurities and re-focus one's self on the worship of God.

Like in everyother Muslim countries, people were happy to welcome this holly month throughout Turkey where 95% of population believes in Islam. I will explain how we are (Turkish people) celebrating Ramadan, what we are doing and what kind of specific traditions we have during this month in my next post. I will try to post soon.. ;)



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